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71KqIftZBXL. SL150071M+QjtHJVL. SL1360
Price: R$ 29,99
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Com sua extraordinária visão do mundo, a encantadora menina Pollyanna conquista os habitantes da cidadezinha e ensina a todos o seu incrível “jogo do contente”, um jogo de transformar vidas e modificar destinos.

Editora ‏ : ‎ Pé da Letra; 1ª edição (1 de janeiro de 2023)
Idioma ‏ : ‎ Português
Capa comum ‏ : ‎ 184 páginas
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 859520117X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8595201170
Idade de leitura ‏ : ‎ Idade sugerida pelo cliente: 9 anos e acima
Dimensões ‏ : ‎ 15.6 x 1.09 x 23.39 cm

13 avaliações para Poliana

  1. Ranieli

    Muito boa essa leitura!

  2. Maria Jacinta

    Ótima qualidade
    Não li ainda, mas pelo preço vale bastante a pena, ótima qualidade da folha


    Já li e amei. Comprei para dar

  4. Cristiane

    Devolver a leitura
    Comprei para minha afilhada de 9 anos de presente ela adorou o livro.

  5. Cliente Kindle

    Ótimo custo benefício!
    Ótimo custo benefício, obra impressa em papel de qualidade e linda capa de ilustração.A obra é sobre um clássico literário e portanto, possui palavras e termos um pouco desconhecidos para as crianças gerando algumas perguntas sobre os significados 😉

  6. Erick Vinícius da Silva

    Bom livro infanto juvenil
    Livro baratinho e simples para presente para crianças

  7. Luciana


  8. Lydia R C Rodrigues

    Além da história
    À primeira vista pode-se pensar que é só uma história para crianças, mas carrega imensa lição de vida ao nos ensinar a olhar o lado bom de tudo. Com sua ingenuidade e pureza, Pollyanna nos ensina que até na desgraça podemos encontrar algo bom. Recomendo a todos, leitura muito agradável.

  9. Kindle Customer

    This is such a wonderful book that truly changes how you look at the hard times that come. We can all benefit from playing the “glad” game.

  10. La Ke

    Adorably sweet story. Reminiscent of the Anne series and Heidi. Different enough from the Disney movie that one can enjoy both separately, though the vibe is the same.

  11. tony

    Bel libro anche se è usato e tt ok

  12. Paul Douglas Lovell

    The world could learn a lesson from this book. WILL be reading the next instalment.READING PROGRESSJune 9, 2018 – Started ReadingJune 9, 2018 – ShelvedJune 9, 2018 – 0.0% “I’m looking forward to this. I know the film from the TV. The namesake I took for my own book PAULYanna, it was used as a pet name by a friend of mine. (I’m THAT nice.) Hope it’s a good one.”June 12, 2018 – 30.0% “Loving It!”June 18, 2018 – 85.0% “Enjoying so much I don’t want the book to end… Luckily there is another in the series. I do hope that too is free.”June 20, 2018 – Finished Reading

  13. Harman

    “Most generally there is something about everything that you can be glad about, if you keep hunting long enough to find it.’Pollyanna is a marvel – both, the book and the character. It’s a miraculous story about the power of optimism, and it will transform your life just as Pollyanna does to the lives of everyone in the town she meets when she arrived to live with her Aunt after she’s orphaned. She appreciates what she has and make the people around her see the life and light through her lens. And then something so terrible happens that changes everything. It’s the story of true humanity and optimism.There are no words to appreciate the way this beautiful story has been conveyed. Eleanor H. Porter created a masterpiece when she wrote this book. It’s a much needed tonic and a subscription that all of us need in times like these. It’s a page turner. True, it’s a classic yet it’s different than all the classics that you might’ve ever read. It’s importance can’t be highlighted more. If there is one book you should ever read before you die, it’s this one.Go for it. You’ll be transformed by the time you reach the climax forever.About the edition – Puffin’s edition is as beautiful as the story itself. The cover reflects the beauty inside and the font and printing is superfine. Page quality is top notch as well. But the best thing about this edition are its illustrations. The beautiful sketched draw you further into the story quite subtly and beautifully.Go for this edition without second thoughts.

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